
The Importance of Regeneration in Organization

Like a campfire, when the wood used to keep the fire burning is over the campfire padamlah it. if an organization is described as campfire wood is a cadre of an organization.

To build a strong cadre of competent and specific field required a process known as the cadre.
Because the true regeneration aims to foster excellence that will be devoted cadre in the organization.
In the process of regeneration has always emphasized a sense of belonging and attachment among fellow comrade. So that will grow the value of solidarity and trust that must be possessed by every individual.

Maybe when associated among cadres, comrade, and the organization can be interpreted as follows. Looking for an organization with the formation of cadres of comrade as the medium. When translated it says will lead to many interpretations. regeneration is something that must exist within the organization that is strong, a great cadre will produce a cadre of competent, capable, and capable. regeneration is also a vital, which is why strong or not an organization can be seen from the process.

Very close relationship between the organization with regeneration regeneration in comrade, comrade regeneration in the emphasis on mutual trust, solidarity, and attachment to one another. Being in regeneration within the organization with more emphasis on professionalism and competence. Both are indeed complementary, because of the professionalism and competence of an organization can be accomplished when dedicated cadres to fill the organization has the appropriate trust in a fellow soldier.

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