is a normal human life activities is very important, because by talking
we can communicate between fellow human beings, express opinions,
convey the intent and message, express their feelings in all emotional
conditions and so forth.
If observed in everyday life, many found the person speaking. But
not everyone in the talk that has the ability to deliver content both
in its message to other people so it can be understood according to his
wishes, in other words, not everyone has a good ability to align or
adjust in precise detail between what you have in mind or
her feelings with what she was saying so that others who hear it can
have a sense and an understanding that fits with the wishes of the
the delivery of simple things that may not be a problem, but to convey
an idea / ideas, opinions, explanations to a problem, or describe a
central theme, usually has a fairly high level of difficulty for a
speaker who is not used, not even everyone is able to do it well. It takes a skill or competence to practice the process sufficiently to be able to perform well becomes a powerful speaker.
speaking skills should be possessed by all persons in need of
communication activities, both in nature one-way or reciprocal or both. A person who has talked a good ketermapilan, will have the ease in relationships, whether at home, at work, or elsewhere. With his skills all the messages it conveys will be easily digested, so that communication can run smoothly with anyone.
It is recognized that a person speaking skills, highly influenced by two main factors supporting internal and external. The internal factor is everything the potential that exists within the person, both physical and non physical (psykhis), physical factors are concerned with the perfection of body organs that are used in speaking for example, the vocal cords, tongue, teeth, and lips, while non-physical factors are: personality (charisma), the characters, temparamen, talent (talent), ways of thinking and level of intelligence. While external factors such as level of education, habits, and social environment. However, the ability or skills to speak not automatically be acquired or owned by someone, although he already has a major supporting factors both internal and external good. Ability or skill can have a good talk with a path to hone and cultivate and train the entire potential. Basically, a powerful speaker is someone who when he speaks, both in the formal of Communications (presentations, lectures, etc..) And informal (social) has a charm that rhetoris (enchanting) with an effective content of the conversation (systematic, right / right, brief and clear with the appropriate language) so that people who listen to clearly understand and awakened feelings. In short, all people of any profession, when in its activities using communication (speech) as the ingredients, then he needs to have the skills to speak, even more so as a labor educator, broadcaster, or any other profession.
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